San Francisco Maternity client - Carrie - Mother of the Month - October

 Carey came to my San Francisco studio for a maternity shoot with her husband Ryan. I immediately knew I was going to like her because of this amazing headdress that she brought to be photographed in. What was more amazing was that her friends and family gave this to her knowing how much she would love it. Carey felt so spiritual as a mother, that I knew she was going to be my mother of the  month.

maternity photography San Francisco

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself and Ryan.

I have been told that Ryan and I have spent many lifetimes together already and that in this lifetime we decided to bring all of the best parts of those lives to this one. That’s how it feels to be partnered with Ryan on a soul level: like it’s been forever. We met in high school, but barely spoke or spent time together.  Five years later we bumped into each other on the street in San Francisco and basically have been together ever since.  That was almost 12 years ago.  We still live in San Francisco.  Ryan is a research and development chef after working many years in fine dining and I am a personal and professional coach.  Music is our passion; food is our hobby; our dogs are our loves.


2. Tell me about what drew you to my work, and why you trusted me to take these special photos.

I was mostly drawn to your work because of YOU.  You so get the importance, the process, the experience of being a pregnant woman and wanting to capture that special time in life.  I loved the simplicity and depth of your photographs.


3. Please feel free to include anything else you like that is interesting about you or your parenting philosophy.

I totally LOVED this experience!  Jennifer made me feel beautiful and we had so much fun!  One of the things that I really appreciated about the process is that Jennifer has a studio to do this work…everything is set up and ready to create a space for you to capture this significant time in your life.