中文 黑白婴儿摄影 – 10月 – 本月母亲之星 – Sarah

I have many amazing clients from all over the world who come to me for fine-art black and white baby photography. Lately I have had many families who are originally from China. They fly to Seattle for photography sessions or they moved to Seattle for work. I would like to introduce Sarah and her son Lucas. I love the movement in these images. I often shoot with a slower shutter speed to catch motion and give the photographs some energy and life.

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Fine art black and white baby photography

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself, and being the mother to Lucas. What is it like being a professional and a mom. Any words of wisdom you can share to help mothers along the way?


Fine art black and white baby photography

2. Tell me about why you decided to have black and white baby photographs, and why you trusted me to take these special photos.


Fine art black and white baby photography

3  Tell me about being a single professional mother and how you take care of yourself and your baby while working full time.


Fine art black and white baby photography
Fine art black and white baby photography
Fine art black and white baby photography

4. Please include you like that is interesting about you or your parenting philosophy. 


Fine-art black and white baby photography
Fine-art black and white baby photography
Fine-art black and white baby photography

         See more photography from our Mother of the Month series: https://jenniferloomis.com/photoblog/For more information about a photo session with me: https://jenniferloomis.com/中文版/ Fine-art black and white baby photography