Mother of the Month - Kaya


1. Tell me a little bit about yourself, your kids, how you and Alex met. What are your hobbies, what you do in your free time, etc.

My name is Kaya. I am mother of two beautiful boys (3 Tyler, 2 Felix), wife of incredible energetic man, Alex. I am from Korea, been living in the states for over ten years. Recently I have had more free time. I love listening to books, and meeting new people. I am now getting into yoga and weight training. Getting physically healthy and stronger now that my kids are older. As I am physically getting stronger, I am also aware of how it is helping improve my emotional and mental strength. 

2. Tell me about why you had me take photos, and why you trusted me to take these special photos.

I wanted to remember how beautiful my pregnant body is and so after I saw your work. I was looking through many photographers that had different ways, but your way was more “emotional touch”. I chose you because your work more showing natural, not posed, could bring more beautiful body naturally. That is how I believed you could make it happen. 


3. Please feel free to include anything else you like that is interesting about you or your parenting philosophy. AKA books you read, etc.

Be kind to yourself, and don’t put so much pressure and judgment on yourself. Have self awareness. Practice self awareness, I have been practicing that a lot right now and it has helped my relationship with my kids. It is constant energy we have to put into them. We react. When you really realize what you are going through, and how you think and talk, you can control and you can change the energy of how you interact with your kids. Your connection with your kids can be much better. 
