Mother of the Month - Megan


I’ve been able to work with this wonderful family twice now, and it has been so great to see this little guy get bigger and bigger!


1.) Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family, how you became a mom, what is special about motherhood to you, what your hobbies are, etc.

My husband Cody and I met in college so long ago that it now feels like ancient history, it's hard to believe that we've been together for over 20 years and married now for 11! We always knew that we wanted to have children but never imagined how difficult our road to parenthood would become. We struggled through a long and painful 6 years of infertility before our son was born via gestational surrogate. For me, the moment our son was born, all the pain (emotional and physical) I was carrying from years of infertility truly vanished and was replaced with pure joy. Over the years we had so much time to wonder and pine for our future child that now we try not to take any moments for granted - even those exhausting late nights and burgeoning toddler tantrums. My husband and I love to camp and have always found peace and solitude in mother nature, we're very excited to share our love of the outdoors with our son. We just managed our first packing trip with a 1 year old and look forward to many more to come!


2.) Tell us why you decided to have professional family photographs taken and why you trusted Jen to take these special photos

I wanted to work with a photographer who appreciated our bumpy road to parenthood and I found that in Jen. I also wanted a photographer who listened and understood just how special the newborn period was to me because I wasn't able to take maternity photos. Capturing those early days is something I will forever cherish. Jen captured so many special moments of me with my son and husband that we were spoiled for choice - she really has a magic eye (although we know its skill and experience). Our collaboration with Jen and her team was so special that we went back again this year to capture more family photos to celebrate my son's first birthday.


3.) Please feel free to include anything else you find interesting about you or your parenting philosophy (ex. books you read, tips or tricks, etc.)

When it comes to parenting books....I swear I've read them ALL. Again, I had a long time to prepare for the arrival of my son but truly nothing takes the place of watching and learning from the amazing women in my life: my mother, my aunts, my girlfriends and my sister-in-law. I've learned so much from all of them about the unconditional love a mother has for her children.
